Super Greens +
Super Fruits

Super Greens – Super Fruits is an immune-boosting greens powder that is also designed to support your body’s natural cellular energy levels, glucose metabolism, digestion and a healthy cardiovascular system. Every scoop of Super Greens – Super Fruits is packed with an organic blend of diverse grasses, fruits and vegetables paired with a pre and probiotic blend to maximize the nutrients you get in every serving.

Antioxidant Rich

Vitamins + Enzymes + Probiotics

Key Nutrients to Help You Feel Your Best

$49.45 Autoship Price | $59.00 One-Time Order

Powerful Ingredients - Super Blends

The Organic Greens blend is packed with 6 organic superfoods including organic wheatgrass, organic alfalfa grass, organic spirulina, organic spinach, organic broccoli and organic chlorella. This blend provides you with a number of vitamins and minerals that gives you that extra boost to help you feel great all day!

Super Fruits add a powerful antioxidant blend consisting of organic acai berry, organic carrot, organic beet root, blueberry fruit extract, papaya fruit, pineapple fruit, green tea leaf extract, red wine extract and celery leaf powder, providing carotenoids and bioflavonoids with every scoop. These antioxidants may help remove free radicals that can damage the immune system.

To help your body break down foods properly, there is a digestive enzyme plus pre & probiotic blend. Every scoop contains millions of CFUs (colony-forming units) from multiple sources of good bacteria. This combination aids in your digestion which can help prevent bloating.

We're Changing Lives - Will YOU Be Next?

ken budd

"I Use All The Products!"

"Thank you American Dream Nutrition...

I feel ten years younger. All of the ADN products are amazing." I can't believe the lives we're changing, what a blessing -- Ken B., California



"I had knee issues and pelvic issues, the doctors were saying I was just aging. I started taking PhytoZon and the Stem Cell Release, after 3 months, I'm back out walking again, I feel Great! Thank you American Dream." --- Myra Y., Florida

Shari B

"Stem Cell Release Factor®"

"Stem Cell Release Factor is by far, my most favorite product! Having survived two major accidents, numerous broken bones, severe brain injury, and been fully dependent on my family for care, I can honestly say that what the body can recover from when enough stem cells are released, is nothing short of miraculous!"

--- Shari B., Washington

Vince C

"Clear Heart®"

"After using Clear Heart, exercising and changing my diet, at my last check up my Cardiologist told me my blood levels were that of a 20 year old. Thank you American Dream for these products."

--- Vince C., Tennessee

Robert G


"Over 60 Lbs GONE! By using the KETO FAT BURNER my wife and I have lost a combined 98 pounds. We feel so much better, our over all health has improved dramatically. Thank you American Dream Nutrition for these amazing products that truly make a difference."

--- Robert G., San Diego

Janine B

"Get Juiced™"

"It was difficult to chose just one ADN product to write a testimony on, but I am going with “Get Juiced” due to the high maintained levels of energy it provides me, as well as the overall feeling of being healthy!!"

--- Janine B., California


"PhytoZon® & Stem Cell Release Factor®"

"As an avid hiker, I was developing tremendous discomfort in my feet, I started using PhytoZon and Stem Cell Release and within a few weeks I was back on the trails again, with NO discomfort. Thank you American Dream Nutrition!" --- Warren C., California

"I had extensive surgery which left me in constant pain from nerve damage. Today, I take both PhytoZon and Stem Cell Release Factor and I feel great, I have more energy, I have better mobility in my neck and shoulders. I have my quality of life back!" --- Pamela C., California


"Wild Conk®"

"We've been taking Wild Conk for years. We've seen much younger friends struggle to stay healthy, while we keep on keeping on. My husband is 15 years younger than I am, he's always saying "I can't keep up with you." Thank you American Dream Nutrition...

--- Bevonne & David C., Missouri

Arlene G


"Over 30 Lbs GONE! By using the KETO FAT BURNER. My husband and I have lost a combined 98 pounds. We feel so much better, our over all health has improved dramatically. Thank you American Dream Nutrition for these amazing products that truly make a difference."

--- Arlene G., San Diego

Judy S

"Stem Cell Release Factor"

"I had struggled with walking any significant distance while recovering from a procedure. Stem Cell Release Factor changed everything. I feel more strength, energy, stamina, and new endurance with my walking and other activities. We're changing lives with these products!"

--- Judy S., Washington

Jonah H

"Stem Cell Release Factor" & "Wild Conk"

"For me, with Stem Cell Release Factor and Wild Conk I noticed improved circulation within days. No more numbness in my hands and arms and no need for daily ibuprofen for neck and back pain from truck driving 21 years 600 miles a day."

--- Jonah H., Mississippi

Ron S

"Stem Cell Release Factor"

"Our Stem Cell Release Factor product is quite something. Personally, I have seen great results related to my shoulder, as well as more energy in general. Thank you, ADN, for this amazing product. I highly recommend it." --- Ron S., Washington

doug S

I use all the products... These products
have changed my life forever!

"I suffered a terrible farm accident when I was young and then later I was in a bad car wreck, my body was a mess. I use the "PhytoZon", the "Stem Cell Release Factor", the "Get Juiced", the "PureAquaMins", the "Clear Heart" and the "Wild Conk" products every day. The ADN products have changed my life.. I'm over 70 now and I feel 45 again! Thank you American Dream for giving me a much better quality of life!" These products have changed my life!"

--- Doug S., Kansas City

Delpha H

"Stem Cell Release Factor®"

"Science has proven that our own stem cells have the ability to repair and rejuvenate every tissue in our body: our heart, joints, organs, brain, skin, and bones. After an injury, I ended up with a hairline fracture on the lumbar area. I am happy and excited to say that after taking The Stem Cell Release Factor I feel healthier and younger, and have returned to my daily 3 miles walk."

--- Delpha H., Florida

Jill M

"Stem Cell Release Factor®"

"For years I've suffered with the ability to swallow food. I have undergone several unpleasant, expensive "procedures" which helped temporarily. After taking Stem Cell Release Factor for a couple months I have been astonished to notice an ability to swallow normally when I eat. This is a blessing beyond my wildest hopes. These amazing products that truly make a difference."

--- Jill E., Montana

Tom M


"I've suffered with too many health problems to list. I was a mess, I didn't think I would ever have my health back again. Then, my friend introduced me to PhytoZon. I cannot believe the improvements I've made, it's simply a miracle. HEY, IT WORKS! and, FEELING YOUNG NEVER FELT SO GOOD! PhytoZon changed my life, Thank you!"

--- Thomas M., Alabama

Jeremy Inman

"Pure Aqua Mins®"

I love the Pure Aqua Mins product! It purifies my water, enriches my body with essential trace minerals. I feel great, refreshed and energized. I recommend using Pure Aqua Mins.

--- Jeremy I., Oregon

Bill A

"Super Omegas 3 + 6 + 9"

"I love the Super Omegas 3 + 6 + 9 as they keep the brain and body healthy! Our brains are made of fats which have to these omegas in the right amounts for proper brain function. This is especially important as we age. This is a great product!

--- Bill A., Colorado

Judy S

"Get Juiced™"

"I found that Get Juiced helps me get all the nutrients my body needs on a daily basis! I really enjoy the dramatic impact on my memory, focus, retention, energy and fighting against mental fatigue. Every cell in my body needs every nutrient, Get Juiced is the choice for me! "

--- Judy S., Washington

Bridget B

"Wild Conk®"

"My favorite product is the Wild Conk. I have noticed several improvements since using this amazing product. I feel energized, improved memory and recall, I'm less stressed out and I've not been sick. I even feel years younger since using this product. Thank you American Dream!"

--- Bridget B., California

Anthony M


"Thank you for giving my life back. Before PhytoZon I was always in pain and terribly uncomfortable all the time. Since I started using PhytoZon my health has never been better. I sleep better, I exercise more, I eat better, wow, my life is better! Thank you American Dream!"

--- Anthony M., Washington

shari B


"Because of a specific type of brain injury, I gained a lot of weight. Having tried many "diets", I was really skeptical of the Keto Fat Burner, but it took less than a week to start seeing results! I went from 183 lbs to 148 in 5 months and felt better than I had in years. From a size 14 to a size 7 and I went shopping! This product works!

--- Shari B., Washington

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